Saturday, July 27, 2013

Rencana Buat Ponsel Sendiri 2014

Tifatul Sembiring miliki harapan, mulai tahun depan, Indonesia mampuproduksi ponsel sendiri. Menurut Menkominfo tersebut, sangat dimungkinkanponsel lokal tersemat made in Indonesia.
Dikutip dari Detik, produksi ponsel lokal sendiri sejatinya telah masuk proyeksi Kementerian Perdagangan. Namun target yang diusung paling cepat di akhir tahun 2016.
Ponsel dengan merek- merek lokal macam Polytron, Axioo, Mito, dan Cross, sebentar lagi akan tersemat tulisan ‘made in Indonesia’. Produsen lokal yang ada berkomitmen untuk tanamkan investasi di dalam negeri.
Pelbagai merek lokal di atas saat ini masih lakukan impor dari China. Mereka diharapkan membuka pabrik di tanah air dan dua hingga tiga tahun mendatang sudah mulai berproduksi.
C Triharso dari Kementerian Perindustrian berujar soal investasi yang digulirkan belum ada gambaran soal itu. Namun untuk lokasi pabrik kemungkinan akan berlokasi di Jakarta dan Jawa Tengah.
Merek-merek lokal macam Cross dan Axioo sesungguhnya menempati pangsa pasar kedua terbesar di Indonesia. Populasinya hanya kalah dari Samsung. Perbedaan keduanya hanya soal promosi.
Merek lokal hanya dalam lingkup lokal saja bukan global. Sedangkan angka impor ponsel terus melonjak. Pada tahun 2012 silam menembus total angka 50 juta.
Jika benar harapan Tifatul Sembiring soal mungkinnya ponsel lokal hadir mulai tahun depan, maka akan timbulkan dua hal. Pertama, menekan angka impor, dan kedua, menambah jumlah lapangan kerja baru.

Obama, in a Shift, to Limit Targets of Drone Strikes

WASHINGTON — President Obama plans to open a new phase in the nation’s long struggle with terrorism on Thursday by restricting the use of unmanned drone strikes that have been at the heart of his national security strategy and shifting control of them away from the C.I.A. to the military.
In his first major speech on counterterrorism of his second term, Mr. Obama hopes to refocus the epic conflict that has defined American priorities since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and even foresees an unspecified day when the so-called war on terror might all but end, according to people briefed on White House plans. As part of the shift in approach, the administration on Wednesday formally acknowledged for the first time that it had killed four American citizens in drone strikes outside the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, arguing that its actions were justified by the danger to the United States. Mr. Obama approved providing new information to Congress and the public about the rules governing his attacks on Al Qaeda and its allies.
A new classified policy guidance signed by Mr. Obama will sharply curtail the instances when unmanned aircraft can be used to attack in places that are not overt war zones, countries like Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. The rules will impose the same standard for strikes on foreign enemies now used only for American citizens deemed to be terrorists.
Lethal force will be used only against targets who pose “a continuing, imminent threat to Americans” and cannot feasibly be captured, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. said in a letter to Congress, suggesting that threats to a partner like Afghanistan or Yemen alone would not be enough to justify being targeted.
The standard could signal an end to “signature strikes,” or attacks on groups of unknown men based only on their presumed status as members of Al Qaeda or some other enemy group — an approach that administration critics say has resulted in many civilian casualties. In effect, this appears to be a step away from the less restricted use of force allowed in war zones and toward the more limited use of force for self-defense allowed outside of armed conflict.
In the speech he will give on Thursday at the National Defense University, Mr. Obama will also renew his long-stalled effort to close the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Officials said they would make a fresh push to transfer detainees to home countries and lift the ban on sending some back to Yemen. The president plans to reappoint a high-level State Department official to oversee the effort to reduce the prison population.
The combined actions constitute a pivot point for a president who came to office highly critical of his predecessor, George W. Bush, yet who preserved and in some cases expanded on some of the counterterrorism policies he inherited. Much as Mr. Bush did in 2006 when he acknowledged and emptied secret overseas C.I.A. prisons, Mr. Obama appears intent on countering criticism of his most controversial policies by reorienting them to meet changing conditions.
In his speech, Mr. Obama is expected to reject the notion of a perpetual war with terrorists, envisioning a day when Al Qaeda has been so incapacitated that wartime authority will end. However, because he is also institutionalizing procedures for drone strikes, it does not appear that he thinks that day has come. A Pentagon official suggested last week that the current conflict could continue for 10 to 20 years.
Yet even as he moves the counterterrorism effort to a next stage, Mr. Obama plans to offer a robust defense of a continued role for targeted killings, a policy he has generally addressed only in passing or in interviews rather than in a comprehensive speech. A White House official said he “will discuss why the use of drone strikes is necessary, legal and just, while addressing the various issues raised by our use of targeted action.”
While Mr. Obama may not explicitly announce the shift in drones from the Central Intelligence Agency in his speech, since the agency’s operations remain formally classified, the change underscores a desire by the president and his advisers to balance them with other legal and diplomatic tools. The C.I.A., which has overseen the drone war in the tribal areas of Pakistan and elsewhere, will generally cede its role to the military after a six-month transition period as forces draw down in Afghanistan, officials said. Drone strikes have already been decreasing in the past few years as targets have been killed and opposition has grown. John O. Brennan, the new C.I.A. director, has been eager to shift the agency more toward espionage, intelligence gathering and analysis and away from the paramilitary mission it has adopted since Sept. 11.
Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island, a top Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, said that after more than a decade of war it was time to “rebalance” the missions of the Pentagon and C.I.A. “The policy is intended to refocus the activities of the intelligence community to collection, which is crucial,” he said.
But Mr. Obama’s moves may provoke criticism from some Republicans who say a law enforcement approach underestimates the continuing threat from terrorism. An aide to Representative Howard P. McKeon of California, chairman of the Armed Services Committee, said his boss would insist on “concrete answers” about what Mr. Obama planned to do with “terrorists who are too dangerous to be released” from Guantánamo.
In his letter to Congressional leaders, Mr. Holder confirmed that the administration had deliberately killed Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical Muslim cleric who died in a drone strike in September 2011 in Yemen. Mr. Holder also wrote that United States forces had killed three other Americans who “were not specifically targeted.”
The American involvement in Mr. Awlaki’s death has been widely reported, but the administration until now had refused to confirm it. Likewise, Mr. Holder confirmed the government’s role in the deaths of Samir Khan, who was killed in the same strike, and Mr. Awlaki’s son, Abdulrahman al-Awlaki, who died in another strike. The letter disclosed the death of a fourth American named Jude Kenan Mohammad but gave no further details.
Mr. Holder defended the actions, saying they were consistent with American law and taken only after careful consideration. “Based on generations-old legal principles and Supreme Court decisions handed down during World War II, as well as during the current conflict, it is clear and logical that United States citizenship alone does not make such individuals immune from being targeted,” he wrote.
Critics were not assuaged. “The Obama administration continues to claim authority to kill virtually anyone anywhere in the world under the ‘global battlefield’ legal theory and a radical redefinition of the concept of imminence,” said Zeke Johnson of Amnesty International. “President Obama should reject these concepts in his speech tomorrow and commit to upholding human rights, not just in word but in deed.”
The lifting of the veil of official secrecy over the Awlaki killing could have broad legal ramifications. The Justice Department on Wednesday afternoon dropped an effort to throw out a California lawsuit seeking documents related to the killing, while a judge here ordered the government to address the disclosure in a wrongful-death lawsuit brought by Mr. Awlaki’s family.
Mr. Holder, in a speech at Northwestern law school last year, laid out the administration’s basic legal thinking that it could target American citizens deemed to be operational terrorists who pose an “imminent threat of violent attack” and where capture is not feasible.
Mr. Holder’s letter expanded the rationale for the killing of Mr. Awlaki. Mr. Holder said Mr. Awlaki not only had “planned” the attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound airliner on Dec. 25, 2009, a claim that has been widely discussed in court documents and elsewhere, but had also “played a key role” in an October 2010 plot to blow up cargo planes bound for the United States, including taking “part in the development and testing” of the bombs. He added that Mr. Awlaki had also been involved in “the planning of numerous other plots.”
“The decision to target Anwar al-Awlaki was lawful, it was considered, and it was just,” Mr. Holder said.

Google Hapus Lebih dari 100 Juta Tautan Tersemat Konten Bajakan Tahun Ini

Sejak bulan Januari 2013, para pemegang hak cipta telah meminta Google untuk menghapus lebih dari 100 juta tautan yang merujuk atau menyematkan konten bajakan dan ilegal di hasil penelusuran Google Search. Jumlah ini meningkat dua kali jika dibanding tahun 2012 lalu.
Jika diambil rata-rata, maka Google menindak sekitar 15 juta link bermasalah tiap bulan. Meski jumlahnya cukup besar, namun pemegang hak cipta masih belum cukup puas. Mereka tetap kirimkan jutaan permintan gugatan DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) pada Google.
Lantas situs-situs apa saja yang ‘dirugikan’ atas kebijakan Google ini? Di urutan teratas yakni FilesTube dengan 5,8 juta URL yang telah dihapus. Kemudian dan yang menyusul di posisi ke-3 dan ke-4 dengan masing-masing 2.5 juta dan 2,1 juta URL.
Yang cukup menarik adalah, dari data yang dirilis Google tak ada situs kondang bajakan The Pirate Bay di list 20 besar. Dikutip dari Torrent Freak, mungkin saja ini terjadi sebab situs tersebut sempat beberapa kali berganti domain.
Jika data di atas adalah dari ‘korban’ kebijakan Google, lantas, siapa yang palinggetol lancarkan permintaan DMCA? Ternyata adalah RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America), sebuah perkumpulan dagang industri rekaman di AS. Mereka telah mengirim permintaan DMCA hingga 26 juta URL.
Brad Buckles Wakil Presiden Eksekutif RIAA berujar jika usaha mereka kian hari makin baik. Ia bahkan berkelakar jika RIAA hingga harus gunakan ember untuk menampung lautan tautan download ilegal di internet.

Credit ;

Monday, April 8, 2013

Xperia Z

Sebuah ponsel terbaik yang dibuat sony saat ini, memperkenalkan sebuah ponsel berresolusi full HD yang dirancang dengan desain yang elegan, kokoh, serta fariasi warna yang apik yaitu putih, hitam dan ungu

dengan kualitas HD di layar yang cukup besar dengan kerapatan piksel sangat tinggi – 445 piksel tiap inci maka anda akan  merasakan sebuah sensasi lain saat menggunakan ponsel ini, anda akan merasa berada di tempat yg sama saat melihat sebua vidio atau foto diakarenakan detail layar yang begitu tajam berkat teknologi canggih sony, penggabungan antara resolusi full HD + BraviaEngine2, penghilangan jarak ruangan antara pelapis udara didalam nya membuat sony xperia Z begitu responsif dan membuat gambarnya begitu nyata karna lebih dekat dengan layar

(1) Lensa
(2) Penghilangan lapisan udara
(3) Lapisan sensor
(4) Layar

Desain OmniBalance yang elegan terlihat kokoh tanpa adanya lekukan di setiap sudutnya, dilengkapi dengan kaca berkulitas di bagian depan dan belakang yang membuat desainnya semakin elegan. Bodi ramping 7,9 mm, dengan permukaan kaca reflektif, terlihat dan terasa licin, namun Xperia Z dirancang agar tahan-air, anti-debu, dan cukup kuat untuk menghadapi apapun dalam kehidupan Anda

selain desan yang elegan HP ini juga telah mendapatkan pengakuan tahan air dan debu dengan IP55&IP57 yang telah diuji coba tahan air seelama 30menit didalam air dengan kedalaman 1meter, tahan juga terhadap semprotan air
vidio test 

 di sisi camera xperia Z dilengkapi dengan kamera sebesar 13mp dengan dilengkapi teknologi Sony Exmor RS membuat sony xperia Z menjadi sebuah ponsel yang dapat menyajikan foto sejernih mungkin dimanapun dan kapanpun, menjadikan sesorang yg melihat menjadi seperti berada di tempat yang sama didalam foto 
Kamera video HDR Xperia Z dilengkapi fitur Exmor RS™ untuk mobile, sensor citra pertama di dunia dengan video HDR untuk ponsel pintar, sehingga Anda dapat mengambil foto atau merekam video bahkan saat melawan cahaya yang sangat terang.

fitur superiot auto dapat memudahkan anda bagi anda yg tidak bisa atau mahir dalam menyetel kamera, superiot auto akan mengatasi masalah anda untuk mendapatkan hasil jepret yg terbaik 

Prosesor quad-core Snapdragon™ S4 Pro memberi Anda performa super cepat, grafik tak tertandingi, dan penggunaan baterai yang efisien. Temukan jalan segalanya dan jelajahi dumia maya dengan jaringan terbaik LTE

dengan berbagai keahlian yang ponsel ini miliki anda hanya perlu mengeluarkan uang sebesar Rp.7.400.000 untuk saat ini, jika dilihat dari performa dan ketahanannya harga 7juta bukan lah masalah untuk mendapat ponsel yang awet, berkualitas dengan performa prima dan desain yg elegan.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

inter-faith figures asia head to kpk

Cross religious figures in asia came to the corruption eradication Commission (kpk), jakarta, Wednesday (27/2/2013). they deliver support to the kpk in the eradication of criminal acts of corruption.

the former Chairman of the Board of nahdlatul ulama hasyim muzadi (outgoing) rate, international support would certainly be meaningful for the kpk in resolving global problems, such as criminal acts of corruption.

"meetings with prominent inter-faith from 16 Asian countries, it is very warm for many developing countries in asia which have the same problems with indonesia about the corruption, crime, and public policy," said hasyim in the kpk, kuningan, jakarta.

present at the meeting, Fr. benny soesatyo religious figures, as well as several other figures from thailand, filiphina, and other countries.

According to Hashim, the advent of cross-figures it received Chairman of kpk abraham samad. the religious figures, he said, abraham delivered a priority within the CCA and served the eradication of criminal acts of corruption.

"the priority points are points that are related to the life of a country is vital, both in the political sphere, relations with authorities, food security, and so forth," said Hashim.

a number of prominent cross this religion came to kpk in the middle of an alleged violation of the code of conduct issues undertaken the leadership element of the kpk regarding the leaking of draft warrant investigation (sprindik) on behalf of former Democratic Party Chairman anas urbaningrum.

before the announcement of anas as suspects on Friday last week, the head of kpk also received the visit of the characters cross-religion. they support the kpk immediately solve the problems that developed, including those related to the leaking of these top sprindik.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

jokowi on leave for rieke-teten

elections in West Java is getting. Saturday-Sunday, gubernatorial candidate spouse and West Java's Deputy Governor racing to attract the attention of the community through the campaign.

the couple let their dyah pitaloka-teten; most interesting appearances, with the presence of the Governor of dki jakarta, joko widodo or jokowi in their campaigns.

Since its inception, jokowi it comes to let-go together with teten to bandung with a train departing the station gambir, jakarta through.

a unique, jokowi willing to leave over the next two days to join the mates let their winning gained – in the elections will teten was held February 24, 2013.

"I did ask leave of absence even though Saturday and Sunday, and incumbent Governor is (plt) pak ahok (Vice Governor of dki jakarta, basuki t. full moon-red)," said jokowi shortly before departing to bandung at gambir station, Wednesday (16/2).

Friday night, also gave statemennya ahok subject leave the jokowi. "dont notice, Mr Governor said Monday ketemunya Yes, Saturday to Sunday I plt Governor," said ahok on journalists.

and in a campaign that, jokowi is really a magnet. a crowded mass at rancaekek, bandung, West Java, one of which caused the community's desire to meet with jokowi.

the cloning candidate Governor of West Java who carried indonesia Democratic Party of struggle (pdi-p) diah pitaloka says that let him not ashamed when called jokowi cloning because emulating dki jakarta Governor campaign style joko widodo, also from pdi-p.

"we (let and teten) not ashamed of is said to be the clone jokowi," said let in bekasi, Saturday.

Let it flatter checkered shirt ideas jokowi and ask for the stock of clothes again to jokowi. He also say thanks to jokowi for the Governor of dki jakarta was willing to present in his campaign with teten cawagub couples.

"I am very grateful to our friend jokowi who is always supportive of mas with pak ahok, too. Although not visible in public, but his support messages from a mobile phone always I received, "he said.

in the meantime, jokowi said in a nine-day period in the future, there will be surprises in the elections.

"I am sure this nine day ahead there will be surprises, come to the polling station and would like to change because the public in droves, missed the change," said jokowi.

jokowi States cagub and couples ready support cawagub in West Java and let their teten.

groups of pdi-p's campaign departs from gambir station in jakarta to bandung using argo parahyangan train at 08.30 BST by ordering four carriages.

on his way to bandung, the train had groups of pdi-p had a campaign stop about 10 minutes at bekasi station.

the Governor of dki jakarta joko widodo as well as cagub and cawagub pairs of pdi-p let diah pitaloka and took myself to teten; say hello to the passenger train was in the station.

all three politicians from the pdi-p was also distributed t-shirts reading "white select and anyway let sayah teten sajah. the original "West Java and card campaign that invites to support couples let their-teten.

let their claimed that the t-shirts were donated from private funds joko widodo.

Meanwhile, the West Java Governor candidate 2013-2018, ahmad heryawan and candidate for Deputy Governor, deddy mizwar is also not less exciting.

This Saturday, are both rolling out on the course, the huge campaign bilabong, bogor, West Java. the amount of mass that is present in his campaign numbered candidate 4 is quite a lot.

dedy mizwar communicative action which makes the campaign takes place. It looks in the pictures, both partners
shake hands each other while following the campaign field bilabong akbar.

Friday, February 15, 2013

try jokowi water taxi in jakarta

the Governor of dki jakarta joko widodo tested the effectiveness of water taxis in the capital city on grouper in the dock floating away, the estuary flood channel East (kbt) marunda, cilincing.

presence of a water taxi in the pig sty alley marunda, jakarta utara turned out to be quite effective in saving travel time travel in the middle of pig sty alley residents question of congestion in the capital.  

the proof, routes-new estuary marunda commonly traveled road of up to two hours. by water taxi is just simply takes 30 minutes, certainly if the weather without a huge wave.

 jokowi of the new estuary marunda takes 60 minutes because of large waves, high winds, and passenger ship full of outrageously.  

However, the return trip from the estuary to the marunda turns out it only takes 30 minutes, because the waves are small.

"if we look at the last, there is absolutely no crashes, it's the first one. the second and more quickly, "said jokowi, was quoted as saying the official website of the provincial Government of dki jakarta, Friday (15/2/2013).

According to him, the water transport is an alternative choice given to the General Government.  

When, later using this transport enthusiast community, the number of ships will be added and also its routes will be added and expanded.

for example the route durensawit-marunda, marunda-ancol, ancol-muara baru, muara baru-Pearl Beach and muaraangke.  

"I think there is nothing that needs to be corrected because this old boat that we use more that could be useful," he said.

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