Friday, February 15, 2013

victims of meteor 1000 people more

the number of casualties as a result of the fall of the meteor in Central Russia, last Friday, continues to grow. last update released mentions, more than 1,000 people were injured and hospitalized as a result of injury to the middle.

events that take place sooner that it was not previously thought. After an object streaking across the sky and leaving only smoke, followed by rain falling fireballs in a vast area.

then, the waves beat feels and solve the glass-glass Windows, damaging a number of buildings.

"citizens who are going to work in chelyabinsk heard a sound like an explosion, seeing a bright light and then felt the beat of waves," said reuters correspondent in chelyabink, 1,500 miles east of Moscow.

Fireball that according to the Russian space agency roscosmos streaked with a speed of 30 kilometers per second to illuminate the horizon, leaving a trail of white lengths that can be seen up to a distance of 200 kilometers.

sound of wailing car alarms, glass-glass windows smashed and cellular phone networks disrupted.

the Russian Ministry of the Interior stated, blast the meteors are very rare phenomenon that also cause Sonic bang.

"meteor, which weighs about 10 tonnes and probably formed from iron, enters the Earth's atmosphere and broke up around 30-50 km above the ground," wrote the Russian Academy of Sciences in the release.

There are no reports of fatalities. but the Russian Ministry of emergency Affairs said, 20,000 rescuers and cleaners were sent to the area.

Russia's Interior Ministry said, about 1,200 people injured, at least 200 of them children, and mostly due to broken glass.

help with Russian President vladimir putin has ordered immediate relief for people living in the ural mountains, Russia.

"every effort must be undertaken to estimate the damage to objectively. many people have been injured. assistance should be provided to them as quickly as possible, "putin said in a press statement in one.

Minister for emergencies vladimir puchkov said the detected meteors at 29 Moscow time (8 pm GMT) near chelyabink, and wounding no fewer than 1,000 people.

including 12 young children, 300 houses, 12 school buildings and a number of factories. the explosion also destroyed as many as 100,000 square meters of glass at chelyabink.

the Russian Academy of Sciences described it, meteor estimated weighs 10 tons and enters the Earth's atmosphere with supersonic speed, about 54,000 miles/hour. and explode about 30 to 50 kilometres above the ground.

"the release of energy a few meteors kilotons in the territory of chelyabink," wrote the Russian Academy of Sciences in his statement.

Prime Minister dmitry medvedev, who was speaking at an economic forum in the city of krasnoyarsk in siberia said, the fall of a meteor that became evidence of planet Earth against rentannya the arrival of the meteor.

pavel astakhov, Russia's presidential envoy to assess the need for the child's Affairs to ensure the safety of children. "because of the threat of rain in the region of chelyabink new meteor persists," he told interfax news agency.

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